food itis urban dictionary

Urban Dictionary: itis
1. food coma May 11, 2006 Urban Word of the Day The feeling of listlessness, bordering on sleep, that one feels after eating a large meal, often caused by a rush of.
Urban Dictionary: the Itis
1. the Itis The general feeling of lethargy and well-being experienced after eating a satisfying meal. This phenomena is particularly triggered by foods high in.
Urban Dictionary: food coma
1. itis The drowsy sleepy feeling you get after eating a large meal. Usual meals like big Sunday dinners, Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Man that itis done got me.
Urban Dictionary: food porn
Close-up images of juicy, delicious food in advertisements.. 1. food porn Close-up images of juicy, delicious food in advertisements. Oh, that McDonalds ad was.

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